Just updated this blog to WordPress 2.6 and am happy to report that it’s running smoothly and I’m happy with that. Every part of the blog is still functioning be it at the front end, plugins, rss, permalinks, administration or database.
For those who have not updated, I think it would be wise to. This video released by wordpress sums up pretty much all of the new features introduced into WordPress 2.6
Cool features that I love most
1. Post Revisions: Wiki-like tracking of edits. Now you can have revisions! If you have edited/appended any content in Wikipedia before, you’ll probably love this.
2. Press This!: Post from wherever you are on the web.
It’s essentially a bookmarklet that sits on your browser toolbar. When you find something online that you would want to blog about, just press the bookmarklet and you’ll have an interface back where you can edit the same text, image or video to be included into your blog post.
3. Google Gears
Does that mean we can blog while we’re offline now? 😮
4. Instant Theme Previews in the adminstration menu
Now you can be sure that your new theme always work before it’s presented to your visitors.
More new features can be found on official wordpress 2.6 press release from wordpress.
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