I personally think that this is such a waste of money that this stands a post of it own. You really want a sincere comment from your users, Microsoft? Well, I have some.
1. Windows Vista is awkwardly stupid and I think it’s just too heavy and clunky.
2. Maybe you shouldn’t even release it. But since you did, and it wasn’t good, you need a rescue mission. Why don’t you save it for Windows 7? Oh, it’s because Apple “triggered” you so you gonna fight back?
3. Why not use that $300 million to give out free copies of CD/DVD of the Vista operating system, like Ubuntu does?
4. Resource intensive visual effects and services makes normal users feels good about their desktop but makes real users and workers wonder: “Why the heck is my OS responding so slowly” and “Maybe it’s time to upgrade”?
5. My friend just got a new laptop with Vista and says that it’s quite challenging to “learn” to use it. Mind you he’s a normal user who runs windows xp for a few years previously. Damn, why is there still a need for a learning curve? I would rather get a Mac if I need to learn something new.
6. Yeah, corporates might still opt or push for an upgrade to Vista, but I WILL keep XP everywhere on my personal laptops and computers. Call me a dino, whatever.
Let me know if you had/are having a wonderful experience with Vista. So far I’ve heard, there’s only 1.
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