No one wakes up at 7am on a Saturday, at least not for me. Especially when I have spent the whole last night getting things done and was up till 3am.
Anyhow, I was waken up by a loud thunder around 9~10am here in Perth. It started pouring heavily for like another 3 hours. So, you would have thought that I will wake up and start my day? You’re wrong.
In fact, I close my eyes and tell myself: “David, you had done a good job this month, this week, and yesterday, take a rest.” And so I did.
It was 12.30pm by the time when the rain stopped, and I’m pretty sure it was time to get up. Yeah, I’m sure I’m well rested and pumped up for another good start of the day. Time for a good lunch too!
Honestly, sleeping on a rainy day is simply one of the best thing that can happen, and I’m sure not a lot of people will argue with me on that.
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