What makes humans special is that we have emotions, intellectual intelligence and the ability to read and write. If you knew that and you’re a marketer, then have you ask yourself how to improve your conversion rates (sales, leads, subscription) before?
Yes, the answer is to trigger those human emotions. And a good way to do that without incurring any cost is to use the right words. In marketing, they call these words the “call to action” keywords.
Here’s an article on Adcenter outlining the 6 tips on using the right “call to action” keywords that could help.
In short:
1) Separate the click from the call
2) Express the call to action clearly
3) Turn to your website for content
4) Create urgency among searchers
5) Emphasize good deals
6) Use {param2} for ad titles (you will only understand what this is if you’re doing PPC. In other words, use dynamic keywords)
After reading the article, ask yourself:
Have you been triggered to join/subscribe/buy a product because you were triggered because of these “call to action” keywords before?
And tell me your answer if you can 🙂
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