People who had the experience working in an IT role would certainly feel that sometimes they are not being treated nicely and not being regarded as an important ingredient for the success of a company.
And when bad things happen, guess who are the first to take the blame?
Extracted from an article on ZDNet
Ask any senior executive why IT fails to deliver value and the honest ones will soon use words like “unresponsive” and “incompetent”, while the more politically correct will usually emit platitudes about hiring problems, systems complexity, media driven expectations, and communications barriers – all of which have IT’s unwillingness or inability to respond promptly to user needs at their root.
Thus the number one reason IT fails to deliver value in one or more roles in many organizations is indeed incompetence, but it’s incompetence among the top executive, not the IT people.
blame the people who aren’t doing their jobs, the people who let this situation fester: blame, in other words, the people in the executive suite.
This pretty much sums up what Dilbert is trying to say everyday.
But does management really give a damn about this at all?
Management, business, sales and finance people are the people who actually keep the business roling. They are the people who deal with people, get the sales, and plan out budgets and making sure the company is making profits so that the company can run heathily. What happens if you lose someone in senior management, key person in sales or finance? It would probably be a big news, and something will change, for sure.
In contrast, what happens if a IT guy decides to leave the other day. Management will probably hire another guy. Will things change? Yeah, a bit, the new guy/team will have to study what settings, code, hardware, virtual machines etc to get the technical things roling again.
Nothing to complain about since that’s basically the fact and how things are. IT people should also realize that they are there to provide more value to the business. It’s common sense that most of these values are provided in terms of technical advice and work. Management knows that and that’s why you’re there.
If you’re in IT, make sure you have a manager who knows IT and values the importance and impact of it.
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