One of the main reason why people find it hard to migrate from a Windows based system to a Linux based system is this – the directory structure of Linux is so different from Windows. For example, all programs in windows are installed to “Program Files” by default, but what about in Linux?
Common Linux Directories You Need To Know
/bin – binary applications (most of your executable files)
/boot – files required to boot (such as the kernel, etc)
/dev – your devices (everything from drives to displays)
/etc – just about every configuration file for your system
/home – locally stored user files and folders
/lib – system libraries (similar to Program Files)
/lost+found – lost and found for lost files
/media – mounted (or loaded) devices such as cdroms, digital cameras, etc.
/mnt – mounted file systems
/opt – location for “optionally” installed programs
/proc – dynamic directory including information about and listing of processes
/root – “home” folder for the root user
/sbin – system-only binaries (see /bin)
/sys – contains information about the system
/tmp – temporary files
/usr – applications mainly for regular users
/var – mainly logs, databases, etc.
So, to answer the question above, the right answer would be in /usr/ and specifically in /usr/bin
Kåre says
Great explanation! Thanks 🙂