It’s official. Firefox 3 has been released and is now available for download!
Top new features include:
Password Manager
Remember site passwords without ever seeing a pop-up.
One-Click Bookmarking
Bookmark, search and organize Web sites quickly and easily.
Improved Performance
View Web pages faster, using less of your computer’s memory.
Smart Location Bar
Find the sites you love in seconds—enter a term for instant matches that make sense.
Instant Web Site ID
Avoid online scams, unsafe transactions and forgeries with simple site identity.
Full Zoom
See any part of a Web page, up close and readable, in seconds.
Platform-Native Look & Feel
Browse with a Firefox that’s integrated into your computer’s operating system.
To be honest, I’m not that excited about this new firefox 3 release compared to Opera 9.5. Most of the new features mentioned are not really new anyway. Perhaps the best improvement was in performance (firefox 2 can be a real memory hog) as firefox 3 now consumes less memory and memory management is executed more efficiently.
Not all firefox extensions are compatible with firefox 3 yet, and until the extensions are updated, you can use this tip here to make old extensions work with firefox 3.
Oh, I love their new web design too!
Download Firefox 3 | New features list
Pay per post says
damn i got this install today, faster than firefox 2 thats all i need
bill harris says
Firefox is still a horrible memory hog. 72M on a reasonably clean (few bells and whistles) computer, vanilla, 1G memory. This is vs IE 40M. I like Firefox, I dont like Micro$oft … but they really need to work on memory. Now we cant even set browser cache memory as of 3.6.3. And the “Reset” button is grayed out as well.
David says
Have you try out both Opera and Chrome yet? They are great web browsers, doesn’t hog up memory such as firefox and are both free.